The Peruvian Food Club

The Peruvian Food Club
“We love Peruvian food and we want to share it with you”
Nos encanta la comida Peruana, y queremos compartirla contigo
Now is easy to find our favorite treats out of Perú
Ahora es fácil encontrar nuestras golosinas favoritas fuera del Perú
Featured Products

From Peru

All our products are made and imported from Peru to your home in the USA

The cheapest way to buy Peruvian products online out of Peru
The Club

Get your favorites products every month at an unbeatable price
Many Peruvian Brands to choose
Peruvian cocoa
Try the world-famous Peruvian Chocolate

Peruvian chocolate and Peruvian cocoa

Hot and spicy sauces
Peruvian spicy food is the best

Hot sauces & Pastes

Some Customers Words

We ship in the USA & Canada
From Our Warehouse in Florida to all 50 USA states and Canada

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Gana dinero dando a conocer nuestros productos con tus amigos